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Computational Complexity

Notes from an Udemy Course


Course: C++ Data Structures & Algorithms + LEETCODE Exercises


Time Complexity

Amount of time used by a program to run completely. But, execution time depends not only on the code itself but also on the capacity of the machine it’s running. So, a program efficiency is not exactly measured in seconds but in terms of complexity’s growth rate as we increase the input size.

Space Complexity

Amount of memory used by a program to run completely. It’s common to see algorithms that uses more memory to reduce execution time or vice-versa.


  • Ω\Omega (uppercase Omega) represents the best case
  • Θ\Theta (uppercase Theta) represents the average case
  • O\Omicron (uppercase Omicron) represents the worst case

O\Omicron notation

Describes the worst-case scenario for an algorithm.

Common complexities

  • O(1)\Omicron(1): Constant Time
    • Doesn’t depend on the size of the data set.
    • Example: Accessing an array element by its index.
  • O(logn)\Omicron(\log n): Logarithmic Time
    • Splits the data in each step (divide and conquer).
    • Example: Binary search.
  • O(n)\Omicron(n): Linear Time
    • Directly proportional to the data set size.
    • Example: Looping through an array.
  • O(nlogn)\Omicron(n\log n): Linearithmic Time
    • Splits and sorts or searches data.
    • Example: Merge sort, quick sort.
  • O(n2)\Omicron(n^2): Polynomial Time
    • Nested loops for each power of n.
    • Example: Bubble sort.
  • O(n!)\Omicron(n!): Factorial Time
    • Any algorithm that calculates all permutations of a given array.
    • Example: Travelling salesman problem.

Simplification Rules

Drop constants

  • O(10n)O(n)\Omicron(10n) \equiv \Omicron(n);
  • O(10n2)O(n2)\Omicron(10n^2) \equiv \Omicron(n^2);
  • and so on.

Drop Non-Dominant Terms

  • O(n2+n)O(n2)\Omicron(n^2 + n) \equiv \Omicron(n^2);
  • O(n4+n3)O(n4)\Omicron(n^4 + n^3) \equiv \Omicron(n^4);
  • and so on.

Show Different Terms for Inputs

If an algorithm has two independents inputs, say aa and bb, complexity should be in terms of these variables. For example O(a+b)\Omicron(a + b), O(ab)\Omicron(ab), O(alogb)\Omicron(a \log b) and so on. As aa and bb can have different values, O(a+b)O(n+n)O(2n)\Omicron(a + b) \neq \Omicron(n + n) \equiv \Omicron(2n).

Cheat Sheet

Here’s a list with some algorithms along with their time and space complexity.

Θ\Theta notation

It tells you what to generally expect in terms of me complexity

Ω\Omega notation

Describes the best-case scenario for an algorithm.